Grant awarded – COAT4PP

Sophomer together with Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry and Institute of Molecular Genetics of Czech Academy of Sciences succeed in funding from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic for their common project “Polymer materials for advanced biochemical and molecular biological methods”. 

The aim of the project is to develop polymeric nanomaterials that have unique properties for modification of polypropylene (PP) surfaces, often used especially in molecular biological analytical methods ending with highly sensitive polymerase chain reaction (e.g. immuno-PCR or aptamer binding methods). However, this method requires minimization of non-specific binding of the analyte or oligonucleotides (e.g. aptamers) to the surface of the plastic, thus the goal of the project is to develop such advanced nanomaterial. The project is running from 7/2024 to 12/2026 with overall financial support 14,86 mil. Kč.